MEDAN - Acting (Plt) Mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution has left the hospital. Akhyar previously underwent isolation because he was confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"What is certain is that he has returned home," said Medan City COVID-19 Task Force spokesman, Mardohar Tambunan, when confirmed, Tuesday, August 18.

Akhyar has been in isolation at the Royal Prima Medan Hospital since August 3. Akhyar's condition is now improving.

"The guardian's condition is good," he said.

During his treatment, Akhyar according to Mardohar had undergone a swab test 3 times. Akhyar was confirmed with COVID-19 after returning from Jakarta.

Previously, Akhyar, through video recordings, explained his health condition after being confirmed by COVID-19. Akhyar admitted to having experienced a cytokine storm.

According to him, cytokine storm is a condition of antibody coordination particles that make the jump from the lower part of the lungs to the middle and upper parts.

"This is what causes me to be positive," he said, Friday, August 7.

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