JAKARTA - A member of the Special Committee (Pansus) for the Draft Law (RUU) of the State Capital (IKN) from the PPP faction, Achmad Baidowi, denied that the number of special committee members had decreased from 56 to 30 people due to violating the rules.

According to him, the 56 people previously announced in the plenary session on December 7, 2021, consist of 30 members of the special committee with 26 reserve members. Therefore, at today's plenary session, 30 members of the special committee were appointed by the leadership of the DPR.

"It didn't shrink, yes, so yesterday when the 56 was ratified, there was an undelivered note that the 56 were with reserves. Then the MKD reminded that the maximum committee according to the MD3 Law and the statute was 30 people, so the special committee met again because the special committee chair was appointed by the leadership of the DPR, of which 4 other people were appointed by the leadership of the DPR. We conveyed again at the rapur (plenary meeting) that the series of decisions were made from 56 and it was reaffirmed that the 26 people were reserves," said Achmad Baidowi at the DPR building, Thursday. , December 16.

So, said Awiek, if there are on-off members of the special committee, they do not take members other than the 56 people. Because the members of the special committee have been determined by the plenary session. "So, like us, for example, if there is an on/off, you have to take it from reserve 56. Like playing football, it is impossible for us to take people who are not on the reserve list when there is a substitution. Because the special committee is must be ratified at the plenary session," explained the PPP Secretary of the DPR.

Therefore, said Awiek, the assumption that the Special Committee for the IKN Bill violates the DPR's rules and regulations is wrong.

"So yesterday the decisions that have been taken are all valid. In relation to the regulations, there is no regulation that passed this, the evidence is that we didn't do it," he said.

It is known, the 11th Plenary Session of the DPR for the Second Session of the 2021-2022 Session Year set 30 names of members of the DPR RI as a special committee (Pansus) for the Draft Law (RUU) on the State Capital (IKN) with 4 leaders.

At the previous plenary meeting, the leadership of the DPR announced the membership of the Special Committee for the IKN Bill amounted to 56 people with 6 leaders.

"In accordance with the MKD decision and a joint agreement between the leadership of the DPR RI and all members of the Special Committee for the IKN Bill, it was decided that on December 9, 2021, the composition and membership of the Special Committee for the Bill on IKN was adjusted to 30 people, including one chairperson and three deputy chairmen," said the deputy chairman. Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad while chairing a plenary meeting at the Nusantara II building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, December 16.

Dasco said he had received a letter from the leadership of the Honorary Court of the Council (MKD) reminding the special committee of the Bill on IKN to adjust to Law Number 13 of 2019 concerning the third amendment to Law Number 17 of 2014 concerning the MPR, DPR, DPD and DPRD article 157 paragraph (2). and Article 158 of the father (2) and DPR RI Regulation No. 1 of 2020 regarding the rules of article 104 paragraph (2) and article 105 paragraph (2).

"The decision of the Honorary Court of this council is final and binding," said Dasco.

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