DENPASAR - The Daily Chair of the Bali Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Dewa Made Indra, said the provincial government would follow government policies related to anticipating the spread of Omicron during the Christmas-New Year's time.

"The provincial government of Bali will of course follow the policy directions from the Central Government to prevent the entry of new variants to Bali," said Indra at the Bali Governor's office, Denpasar, Thursday, December 16.

Indra, who is also the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bali Province, said that the Provincial Government will remain consistent in implementing policies to try to keep the sloping COVID-19 cases down.

"That's what we have to maintain. First, the old variant is still sloping and continues to decline and we already feel it is still decreasing. Second, we have to prevent it as much as possible so that omicron does not enter Bali. So it must be in line with the policies of the Central Government, " he added.

To anticipate the spread of COVID-19, especially the new variant of Omicron during Christmas-New Year, Bali Governor Wayan Koster will hold a meeting of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) throughout the Bali Province on Sunday, December 19.

"This is to discuss policy measures to control COVID-19 specifically to deal with the Nataru holiday. The spirit is how this Nataru holiday can run but does not cause an increase in cases," he explained.

As for New Year's celebrations, Indra ensured that public facilities such as public squares or city parks would be subject to restrictions. This is in accordance with the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Imendagri) Number 66, 2021. However, the Bali Provincial Government does not prohibit the celebration of Christmas-New Year as long as it applies health protocols.

"According to the direction of the central government as outlined in Inmendagri Number 66. The point is that Christmas and New Year celebrations can be carried out but with restrictions not prohibitions. With restrictions so that the New Year celebrations can be carried out (but) COVID-19 can be controlled properly," said Indra .

"It means celebrating New Year and Christmas is okay, but avoid crowds, apply health protocols, avoid large crowds. We have restrictions in public spaces," he explained.

The issue of fireworks, said Indra, will still be discussed in the Bali Forkopimda forum.

"There (the forum) will discuss what can be done or not, wait for December 19," he said.

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