JAKARTA - There is something different about the COVID-19 vaccination process for children aged 6-11 years at Menteng 03 Elementary School, Central Jakarta. Because, in this activity, a Transformers robot figure was presented to attract the attention of the students.

The Head of Menteng Police, Commissioner of Police Gunarto, said that humans dressed in Transformers costumes were an attraction and enliven the vaccination activity.

"We made it special to make it interesting. Children are happy with the robot character so they are entertained," he said, Wednesday, December 15.

He said the 6-11-year-old vaccine program was implemented by the TNI, Polri, and Regional Government.

"For this vaccination process as usual. We are screened and accompanied by parents as well as observation," he said.

The vaccination targets 200 students at Menteng 03 Elementary School.

"This activity lasts one day," he said.

He said, vaccinators are from the Resort Police and third parties from the Cempaka Putih Hospital.

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