JAKARTA - As many as 25 Indonesian citizens (WNI) passengers on the ship that capsized in Tanjung Balau, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, have not been found.

Those suspected of being on their way to Malaysia illegally were part of the 50 passengers on the ill-fated ship.

"The ship, which is thought to have been from Indonesia to Malaysia, capsized due to strong waves due to bad weather this morning," said Deputy Director of Maritime Operations Johor Maritime Captain Simon Templer Lo Ak Tusa in Johor Bahru, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 15.

He said that so far 14 people have been found alive, 11 people have been found dead, and 25 others have not been found. what's left is missing," he said.

The Malaysian Maritime Authority of the State of Johor asks illegal immigrants who want to enter or leave the waters of the State of Johor to use the correct route so that similar incidents do not happen again.

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