MEDAN - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) has demanded 15 years in prison for a priest and school principal in Medan, North Sumatra named Benjamin Sitepu. He was prosecuted for the molestation of six female students at the school he led in March 2021.

"(The charge) is 15 years," said the Medan District Attorney's General Crime Section Head, Riachad Sihombing, Wednesday, December 15.

Currently, the trial is in the pleading stage. The pleidoi reading is planned this week.

"This has entered the plea. The information I got this week," he said.

Meanwhile, the attorney for one of the victims, Ranto Sibarani, assessed that the prosecutor's demands were maximal.

"We really appreciate the demands of the prosecutor who dared to demand the maximum. We hope that the panel of judges will not hesitate to give the verdict as demanded by the prosecutor," he said.

This case began on March 12, 2021, when BS molested two female students. The mode is, BS first calls the victim to his room.

"He called the student (first) to the principal's office and was alone in the room for about 20 minutes. To the child, then this (the perpetrator asked) not to be told to others," said the victim's lawyer, Ranto.

"One more child was called for 25 minutes in the room (at first) asked how his parents were, had he ever watched porn and kissed videos," he continued.

After the incident, one of the victims reported to his parents. Then, BS apologized and made a peace letter on March 30, 2021 so that this case does not continue.

Furthermore, Ranto said, the issue of the alleged abuse was known by the parents of other students. It is suspected that a total of 6 students were abused, but only 3 students spoke up, one of whom was the son of Ranto's client.

The case was revealed when the victim's mother asked her son if he had ever received sexual treatment from BS. The victim claimed to have been a victim of BS in the 2018-2019 period.

"He admitted that he was brought to the hotel several times by the principal of this school. This child admitted that he was taken to the hotel and forced to perform oral sex and other harassment occurred. The suspect also brought the victim to his house," said Ranto.

For this action, BS was reported to the North Sumatra Police on Thursday, April 1. Then in May 2021 the police named BS as a suspect.

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