JAKARTA - The PSI faction of the DKI DPRD proposed that the DPRD form a special committee (pansus) to investigate the problem of infiltration wells. Deputy Chairperson of the DKI DPRD from the Gerindra faction, Mohamad Taufik, disagreed.

Taufik believes that the DPRD does not need to form a special committee for infiltration wells, which has been causing problems for some time. Moreover, he considers this proposal only PSI's attempt to seek sensation.

"Why do PSI want to set up a special committee for infiltration wells? PSI is always looking for sensations, he's never told anything good about infiltration wells," Taufik said when contacted, Wednesday, December 15.

It is known that the special committee was formed in a plenary meeting at the suggestion of DPRD members. Members of the Special Committee are made up of at most 16 members, consisting of members of the relevant commissions proposed by each faction.

If this proposal is rolled out, Taufik is sure that no other faction will agree. This is because the Coordinator of Commission D for the Development of the DKI DPRD stated that the DKI Provincial Government has explained the infiltration well program in a meeting with the DPRD.

"He (PSI) asked him to submit it, there is a condition for the special committee to be agreed or not in a plenary session. I think my friends from the DKI DPRD are more sane and rational," said Taufik.

Previously, member of the PSI faction of the DKI DPRD, Justin Untayana, said that his party proposed that the DKI DPRD form a special committee to investigate the problem of infiltration wells. The special committee's proposal was motivated by PSI which often received complaints from residents regarding the construction of infiltration wells which caused problems.

“We have found and received a lot of complaints about infiltration wells that are in disarray. Anies Baswedan's wells have damaged roads, some have been abandoned, and some have threatened the safety of road users," said Justin.

Justin said that so far the DKI Pemrpov has not disclosed complete data regarding the construction of infiltration wells. According to him, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is hiding many problems in the construction of infiltration wells.

Therefore, Justin views that the special committee for infiltration wells can investigate various problems in the construction of infiltration wells.

“We have to take this step because the DKI Provincial Government is less open. We hope that other factions can also support this step, we want to make sure Jakarta residents receive the benefits of this more than IDR 411 billion," he concluded.

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