JAKARTA - A healthy, safe and comfortable campus must always eradicate three major sins, namely intolerance, bullying, sexual violence and corruption. Higher Education Service Institutions or LLDikti in partnership with universities in their environment always strive to create these principles. This was stated by the Head of LLDikti Region III, Prof. Dr. Agus Setyo Budi, M.Sc.

“The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology is committed to always eradicating three major sins in the world of education. One of them is the stipulation of Ministerial Regulation number 30 of 2021 regarding the prevention and handling of sexual violence in the environment that occurs in the Higher Education environment," said the Head of LLDikti Region III, Prof. Dr. Agus Setyo Budi, M.Sc in front of the university graduates and Prof. Dr. Moestopo Religion (UPDMB) in Jakarta, Monday 13 December.

According to him, the issuance of this regulation aims to increase knowledge and awareness of campus residents through education about sexual violence as an effort to prevent and strengthen the handling system that favors victims.

"With this regulation, the world of higher education really becomes a role model and can become an ambassador for anti-sexual violence and other forms of violence so that campuses in Indonesia are free from various acts of violence," added Agus.

Mahasiwa harus berjuang keras sampai akhirnya lulus dan diwisuda, seperti yang terjadi Kampus Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo Beragama ini. (Foto ist)
Students have to fight hard until they finally graduate and graduate, as happened on the Prof. University Campus. Dr. Moestopo This religion. (ist photo)

For the principle of tolerance education, Agus gave his appreciation to Moestopo University, which recently received a world award for the inclusiveness of ASIC 2021, the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities or the UK-based national education Accreditation Board.

"Congratulations to Moestopo University for showing itself in Indonesia and the world as a campus with a healthy, comfortable, and safe learning environment in terms of religious tolerance and diversity," said Agus.

According to the Deputy Chancellor I of UPDMB, Prof. Dr. Andriansyah, M.Si who is also the chairman of the committee, the 2021 graduation has the theme Collaboration - Integrity - Solution. Graduation was attended by about a thousand undergraduate and master students and took place in a hybrid or a mixture of offline and online.

"We deliberately did graduation following strict health procedures, including those attending must have been vaccinated, be safe after undergoing an antigen test, use protective care applications, keep distance, use masks and wash hands," said Andriansyah.

The graduation procession, added Andriansyah, took place in three sessions. In addition to no photo session, graduates are also not allowed to linger in the building. After calling your name, you are immediately invited to leave the building. This is done in order to consistently implement Prokes by reducing crowds.

In a series of events, the Chancellor of the University, Prof. Dr. Moestopo (B) Prof. Dr. Rudy Harjanto, M.Sn said that we are currently in an era of information abundance which makes practice and application for the benefit of the people important in a work environment full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, which requires solution solutions, collaboration, networking, and integrity at work.


“Together, we must be able to adapt to this change, both in our mindset and in our implementation. Therefore, my message is let us continue to learn, build networks, collaborate, live with integrity, be ethical, tolerant and always try to provide solutions," said Rudy.

UPDMB or commonly called the Red and White Campus is one of the oldest private universities in Indonesia, founded on February 15, 1962, and currently UPDM (B) has five Faculties and one Postgraduate Program and 11 Study Programs.

The campus also has around 32,000 graduates. They have worked in the government and private sectors and have held very strategic positions, such as Ministers, heads of government institutions and Directors of SOEs. Likewise in the private sector starting from employees, managers, and company directors and some are successful in entrepreneurship.

"On behalf of the foundation, I advise you, as educated people and scholars, that you don't be complacent, keep learning. Because you are part of a learning society, the challenges ahead are not easy," concluded the Chairperson of the UPDMB Foundation Trustees, Dr. RM. H. Hermanto, JM, JM, SKG, drg, MM.

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