WONOSOBO - Hundreds of traders at the Wonosobo Kertek Market screamed hysterically when President Joko Widodo arrived at the market. The residents' long wait since this morning was completely paid off after seeing Jokowi in person.

"Yeee... Pak Jokowi wis the teapot (it's here). It's not in vain to wait since morning. Pak Jokowi is here, sir," shouted Kertek market traders, Tuesday, December 14.

Jokowi did make a number of working visits to Central Java. He planted shallots and inaugurated the Bansari reservoir in Temanggung, provided assistance to the Kertek Market traders and inspected the food estate in Wonosobo.

Jokowi is not the only one who makes people so enthusiastic. However, there is one more character who managed to make people hysterical. He is the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

Ganjar did accompany Jokowi's activities while in Central Java. When they arrived at the Kertek market, residents immediately shouted for Ganjar when they saw Ganjar in the presidential entourage.

"Mr. Ganjar, come here, sir. Mr. Ganjar is ripping off Wonosobo lur (Pak Ganjar came to Wonosobo)" shouted the traders.

When Jokowi was walking in front and chatting with other traders, Ganjar walked up to the traders on the edge of the market. Ganjar occasionally greeted and high five with a number of residents.

However, because it was raining heavily, Ganjar could not freely chat with them. He stood holding the red umbrella he was carrying.

"Sir, take a photo, sir, come here, sir," asked the resident.

"Udan, wes kono wae (rain, it's already there)," replied Ganjar.

Instead of approaching for photos, Ganjar actually teased the residents who were taking shelter on the outskirts of the market. Ganjar played with his umbrella in a circle. As a result, rain water splashed and hit the residents who were crammed there.

"Pak Ganjar, you're wet, sir. Pak Ganjar is funny. He even plays an umbrella," said several residents, laughing.

The moment Ganjar played with the umbrella made a number of ministers such as the Minister of PUPR Basuki also laugh. He who was next to Ganjar immediately approached to greet the residents.

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