JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is exploring changes to regulations regarding the receipt of regional incentive funds (DID). This investigation was carried out through the former Director General (Dirjen) of Fiscal Balance at the Ministry of Finance for the 2013-2018 period, Budiarso Teguh Widodo, who was investigated on Monday, December 13 yesterday.

During the examination, investigators examined Budiarso as a witness related to the alleged corruption in the administration of the Regional Incentive Fund (DID) in Tabanan Regency, Bali.

"The investigative team has examined witnesses on behalf of Budiarso Teguh Widodo, Widyaiswara Main Expert at the KNPK Education and Training Center, the Ministry of Finance's BPPK or Director General of Fiscal Balance at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2013 to April 2018," Acting Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri told reporters, Tuesday, 14 December.

In addition to being investigated regarding changes to the rules for receiving incentive funds, Ali said investigators are also studying the rules for special transfer funds.

"(Witness, ed) was present and his statement was investigated, among others regarding the rules regarding changes in the receipt of DID funds and special transfer funds for 2015 to 2018," he said. the process of administering incentive funds in Tabanan Regency, Bali.

Investigators have even conducted searches in a number of locations such as the PUPR office, Bappelitbang, Tabanan Regional Finance Agency, DPRD, as well as the residences of parties related to the case.

Although it has admitted that it is investigating the alleged bribery, the anti-corruption commission has yet to explain the suspects and the modus operandi used. The complete information on the results of this investigation will be conveyed in its entirety if there is sufficient evidence and forced detention efforts are made.

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