JAKARTA – The case of a robbery at one of the pawn shops in the Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta, has caused a stir among the surrounding community. This is because residents on Jalan Muhammad Kahfi 2, Srengseng Sawah can clearly see the heroic actions of the police officers in paralyzing the robbers armed with airsoft guns.

Based on witness statements, the incident occurred on Monday, December 13, at approximately 20.05 p.m. on Jalan Muhammad Kahfi 2 No. 178, Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, to be precise at the Indogadai pawnshop.

It is known that the perpetrator with the initials DN, aged about 23 years, robbed and held three female Indogadai employees hostage.

According to the information received, at that time Bripka Agung Eko Suprapto passed by the scene and had time to stop and park the vehicle to see the situation.

"There were also members of the Jagakarsa Police on behalf of Brigadier Didik, then we coordinated to arrange a strategy with the aim of crippling the perpetrators of the hostage-taking." write the description.

The atmosphere is getting tense. Meanwhile, residents at that time saw the perpetrators continue to point weapons to threaten the residents who had gathered in front of the Pegadaian so that they would not approach.

Seeing the threat Didik fired warning shots into the air 3 times with the aim of lowering the perpetrator's mentality.

“At that time, I saw the perpetrators still pointing their guns but seemed to be backing away. Immediately, we pushed the perpetrator into the pawnshop's office and thank God we were able to seize the perpetrator's bag and weapons. Immediately, residents also helped the officers to paralyze the perpetrators. The perpetrators were also judged by residents, but in the end we were able to solve them so as not to cause casualties,” said Didik in his testimony.

Until now, the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Commissioner Azis Andriansyah, when contacted for confirmation had not answered.

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