PONTIANAK - Head of the West Kalimantan Education and Culture Office, Sugeng Hariadi, said his party directed all SMA/SMK in West Kalimantan to carry out extracurricular activities for students as a substitute for the student holiday schedule.

"Previously, the student holiday schedule was from December 17, 2021 to January 3, 2022, but it was abolished and replaced with extracurricular activities, such as 'class meetings', character strengthening or other competency enhancements, where holiday replacement activities were held 'online'. ," he said in Pontianak, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 13.

Sugeng said the policy was taken to prevent COVID-19. The concern is that there will be crowds during the holidays, while there is a new variant of Omicron so it needs to be limited rather than year-end holiday euphoria.

"In addition, we ask parents to also be able to participate in supervising their children's activities. Because year-end celebrations are also canceled," he said.

In this regard, his party has issued a Circular Letter from the West Kalimantan Education and Culture Office with the points conveyed also relating to the activities of education and educational staff. It was stated that from December 24, 2021 to January 2, 2022, they were asked to continue carrying out their duties and activities based on the picket schedule by implementing health protocols.

Other points made related to the abolition of the 2021 Christmas and 2022 New Year's leave.

Sugeng said that the circular regarding no year-end holidays had been submitted to high school and vocational education levels throughout West Kalimantan. This policy applies not only to public schools but also to private ones.

Sugeng continued that the letter was issued following up on the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 62 of 2021 regarding the prevention and control of COVID-19 during Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022.

"So the year-end holidays will be temporarily suspended," he said.

Sugeng added that several schools had followed up on the circular, one of which was SMAN 1 in North Kayong. The school sent a letter to parents regarding the circular that there was no year-end holiday.

However, the schedule according to the educational calendar will continue as usual, including writing student report cards on December 17, 2021. However, the distribution will be done on January 3, 2022.

"So the report cards will be distributed in January 2022," said Sugeng.

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