MATARAM - Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) City Resort Police (Polresta) revealed 36 criminal cases after the 2021 World Superbike (WSBK) event at the Mandalika Circuit.

Mataram Police Chief Kombes Heri Wahyudi, said the 36 cases were revealed during the enhanced routine activities (KRYD) period from November 8 to December 7, 2021.

"According to the order in the NTB Police Chief's Telegram Letter, this increase in police activities is also in order to create conditions after the 2021 World Superbike event at the Mandalika Circuit," said Heri, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 13.

Heri explained that of the 36 cases revealed by the Puma Team along with the Mataram Police Operational Team and the ranks of the police, 46 perpetrators were caught.

Then of the 46 perpetrators, 8 of them were still children. For handling the case, Heri ensured that it was carried out according to the Child Protection Act and there was special assistance from the Child Fathers.

"Against child perpetrators, no arrests were made," he said.

Of the 46 perpetrators, 23 of them have been transferred to the public prosecutor for the prosecution process at the trial table.

"While the rest are still undergoing the investigation process and there are also cases whose cases have been resolved through a restorative justice mechanism," said Heri.

For the number of cases that were resolved through restorative justice, he said, there were four with eight suspects.

Heri explained the considerations for applying restorative justice, including theft in the family, relatively small losses, not causing public unrest, declaration of peace, and non-recidivist perpetrators.

"So the case is RJ (Restorative Justice) with such considerations," he said.

This conventional crime case, continued Heri, is in the form of weight theft, violent theft, and motor vehicle theft. These three types of cases are known in police parlance as 3C crimes.

Of the 36 cases revealed, theft with the most weight. The total is 23 cases. Then followed by the type of theft with violence as many as 7 cases. Motor vehicle theft, 6 cases.

In handling the dozens of cases, evidence was confiscated in the form of 14 units of two-wheeled vehicles, one television unit, four portable computers or laptops, one computer, four pedal bicycles, four safes, two sharp weapons, 42 other items, and 200 thousand in cash.

From the analysis of the case, said Heri, the modus operandi used by the perpetrators included damaging the doors and windows of the house, snatching on the highway, and taking advantage of the negligence of the victim.

"This is the old mode used," he said.

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