JAKARTA - Director of General Criminal Investigation (Dirkrimum) Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Tubagus Ade Hidayat explained that the suspect Adji Subhi (20) who had the heart to kill YM (30) his same-sex girlfriend, is a recidivist in a theft case.

Based on records, the suspect is a recidivist of iron theft in Palembang and theft of motorcycles in Bandung. Finally, he was involved in a premeditated murder in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. The suspect was arrested by members of the Resmob Polda Metro Jaya in Bandung, West Java.

"So (the suspect) is indeed a recidivist," said Tubagus Ade to reporters, Monday, November 13.

A number of items of evidence such as the knife used to kill, Honda Beat motorbike, cellphone, power bank, clothes, Rp. 57 thousand cash, car registration, black jeans and others, were confiscated by officers from the perpetrators.

The suspect was charged with multiple layers of premeditated murder accompanied by theft with Article 340 of the Criminal Code, Sub 338 of the Criminal Code and 365 of the Criminal Code with a death penalty or a maximum of 20 years in prison.

Police officers evacuated the victim at his home when he was found/ Photo: IST

"(Article 340 of the Criminal Code) That is the biggest one, with the highest threat of punishment. Why was it determined? Because events that are considered as preparations for murder have been shown," he explained.

Furthermore, Tubagus also said that everything had been prepared (the suspect) so he applied it to 340 of the Criminal Code because there was a plan.

"But the killing is not merely killing, but is motivated by taking goods so that we are subordinated to Article 365 of the Criminal Code," he said again.

Previously, the Resmob Sub-Directorate of the Metro Jaya Police arrested the suspect in the murder of the victim with the initials YM (30) which occurred at the victim's house, Jalan Krida Raya, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta.

The suspect was arrested one day after the incident on Friday, December 10 at the Gateway Apartment, Bandung City.

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