Jakarta - Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly received a visit from YouTuber Atta Halilintar at the Menkumham Office. Atta came to express his gratitude for the passport making service which is currently getting better and faster.

“Thank you, Mr. Minister, Mr. Yasonna, it is amazing that passport making is now smoother, the change in immigration services is also extraordinary. The Immigration Office is clean, fast, smells good again," said Atta, Monday, December 13.

Yasonna then said that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights continues to improve public services throughout Indonesia. He emphasized that the best service is not only given to Atta, but to all people or citizens who need immigration services.

“I am happy that Atta is being served well, we are also doing the best service to the whole community. Our immigration offices have changed their face. We can even come to bring services closer, and provide passport-making services to people who are sick,” said Yasonna.

“We do continue to improve, improve public services. Indeed, there are still things that are not perfect, we will continue to improve it," continued the Chair of the Legal, Human Rights and Legislation Division of the PDI-P DPP.

During the meeting, Yasonna and Atta also talked about the importance of intellectual property protection and the ease of doing business through the establishment of an individual company.

“Nowadays, an MSME entrepreneur can establish an individual company, immediately become a legal entity, so that legal entities are protected. The cost is only Rp. 50 thousand, and this is a form of government protection for the community, especially MSME actors, "said Yasonna.

"I have learned a lot, thank you Pak Yasonna, young people who want to start a business understand more about copyright and the process," said Atta.

Previously, Atta applied for a passport at the South Jakarta Immigration Office. The husband of Aurel Hermansyah followed all the stages from beginning to end.

“There is a same day passport, Eazy Passport, very fast, not complicated. Imagine if one million per day passport services, surely this country will be very rich. Eazy Passport is awesome," said Atta.

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