JEMBER - Totok Winarto, (42) a resident of Jember, East Java reported an elementary school student aged (12) to the Jember Police. Totok did not accept it because the student he reported was suspected of molesting his 12-year-old son AJ, causing serious injuries to his eyes and requiring surgery.

Totok said he had already spoken with the parents of the reported party. He asked the parents of the reported parents to be responsible for what happened to AJ. However, even though several times, mediation has been carried out by the parents of the reported irresponsible.

"In the end, I was forced to take legal action," he said after making a report at the Jember Police Headquarters, Monday, December 13.

The alleged abuse occurred on Monday, December 6. The incident occurred after the victim returned home from school.

"My son was abused because of trivial things, because when called by P, my son didn't want to turn around and came. In the end, he was beaten and even said he was beaten by 5 children," he said.

Totok said that as a result of the incident his son suffered a swollen wound in the right eye. Her son had to have surgery.

"My son admitted that he was constantly dizzy. After being checked at the hospital, it turned out that there was a wound at the bottom of his right eyelid. The doctor said he needed surgery," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jember Police, AKP Komang Yogi Arya Wiguna, confirmed the report of the alleged abuse.

"We have just received the report regarding the alleged abuse of a minor, which is also suspected to have been carried out by their peers. We are currently monitoring the parents of the victims who have just reported," he said.

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