JAKARTA - East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Erwin Kurniawan confirmed that the report of Meta Kumala (32) who was a victim of theft with a tire burst mode in front of PT JMT, Jalan Jatinegara Kaum, Pulogadung, East Jakarta, has been received and is being processed. They are currently conducting an investigation.

"The victim's report was received by the Pulogadung Police Sector SPK but there was something that made the reporter feel disappointed with the behavior of one of the officers at the Pulogadung Police Station which went viral. The one who made comments or words that were actually inappropriate," said the Police Chief to VOI, Monday, December 13.

Until now, joint officers from the East Jakarta Metro Police and the Pulogadung Police are still pursuing the perpetrators of the theft.

"We are still investigating the case, directly led by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit and the Head of Police. The Resmob and Jatanras teams have gone down to reveal the perpetrators. We are following up on the report," he said.

Previously, Meta Kumala had complained on social media about unscrupulous members of the Pulogadung Police who ignored his report. At that time, Meta admitted that he was being followed by perpetrators from Jalan Sunan Sedayu, Rawamangun, Pulogadung.

Meta said, as a result of the theft, he lost Rp7 million in money and several cards that were placed in his bag.

Previously reported, the East Jakarta Metro Police gave strict sanctions against Aipda RP, a member of the Pulogadung Police Criminal Investigation Unit who did not provide good service to public reports.

"Against the perpetrators, we have carried out an intensive examination, and we have transferred them in the context of the examination so as not to interfere with the investigation by the East Jakarta Police Propam," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Erwin Kurniawan, Monday, December 13.

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