KLUNGKUNG - High rainfall caused areas in Nusa Penida, Klungkung Regency, Bali, to flood. This condition occurs in the coastal area of Deesa Pad Beach and Crystal Bay tourist attraction.
The Head of the Nusa Penida Police, Kompol I Gede Redastra, said the flood occurred at around 02.00 WITA in the morning. It is still recording the damage that occurred.
"Everything is still being recorded here. (Losses) are not yet, we are still recording it," said Redastra, when contacted, Monday, December 13.
Meanwhile, the Crystal Bay tourist attraction was ravaged by floods. Residents' houses were also flooded.
"Yes, it was ravaged on the beach. The location in Suana Village in Ped Village is a bit worse. Including houses being flooded, there was a motorbike drifting and a car drifting, if there were no victims," he added.

This flood submerged Suana Village, Sakti Village, Ped Village, and Kutampi Village and Batununggul Village.
"Almost all the way under the eastern flood (Village) of Suana, then west to Ped Village, all flooded. Because the water was coming from above, there was a hill above. (Residents) did not evacuate, only people cleaned their houses that were infested with mud," he said.
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