JAKARTA - The sound and lighting test at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), North Jakarta, Saturday, December 11 last night, was widely shared on social media homepages. During the trial, the call to prayer was also echoed.
DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan who was present also heard the call to prayer. Anies said the call to prayer was so beautiful.
"Yesterday we also tested the sound of the call to prayer. For the first time, the call to prayer is echoing in JIS, it is very solemn," said Anies quoted from the Instagram page @aniesbaswedan quoted Monday, December 13.
Anies' upload was also commented on by Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) politician Guntur Romli. Initially, Gun Romli - his nickname - satirized buzzer Anies who was busy sharing statements on social media.
"Buzzer Anies is proud to spread the video of the JIS Diazanin Stadium (will it be the venue for the 212 reunion?)," said Gun Romli on his official Twitter, @Gunromli quoted today.
"But don't forget that Anies's absorption wells are also recited one by one... Continue politicizing the call to prayer!!!" said Gun Romli.
The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan previously reviewed the progress of JIS. According to Anies, the progress of JIS, with construction reaching 87 percent, will soon be completed.
Anies added that the trial of lighting and sound installation went well without any problems. "The postponement of the soft launching of JIS and IYC does not mean the work has stopped. Everything continues," he said.
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