JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the DPR from the Golkar Party faction, Christina Aryani, responded to President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) order that the discussion of the Personal Data Protection Bill (RUU PDP) be completed immediately.

Aryani said that currently, the PDP Bill was in the government's hands. The reason is, currently, the government still wants the data protection supervisory authority to be under the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo). In fact, he said, the independence of institutions cannot be under the government, especially the Ministries/Institutions that will also be monitored.

"I am happy that the President has brought this up because, to be honest, the ball is currently in the government, which does not want to shift its position," said Christina in a statement quoted on Saturday, December 11.

Christina said that until now there has been no latest development regarding the discussion of the PDP Bill. Therefore, he hopes that President Jokowi's request can be a breath of fresh air for the completion of the legal product.

"Hopefully the President can understand our position in fighting for this body to be independent, not under the government, like more than 143 data protection authorities in other countries," said the Golkar politician.

Similarly, Member of Commission I of the DPR from the PDIP faction, Mukhlis Basri, said that the parliament was still discussing the Bill on the Protection of Personal Data (RUU PDP). According to him, there are 228 of the 371 inventory lists of problems that have not been discussed by the DPR and the government.

"The majority are related to the implementation and institutional oversight of the implementation of the Personal Data Protection Law," said Mukhlis Basri.

Mukhlis revealed that there were several debates between Commission I and the government regarding the supervisory agency for the implementation of the PDP Bill which hindered the completion of the discussion of the entire problem inventory list.

Where he said, Commission I and the Legislative Body of the DPR proposed that an independent institution be formed to oversee the implementation of the Personal Data Protection Law. The agency will be the regulator and controller of the personal data protection of the Indonesian people.

"They also oversee the institutions or public bodies that are responsible for the data. The independent institutions are responsible directly to the president and are elected by members of the DPR," said Mukhlis.

Meanwhile the government, according to the PDIP politician, wants the opposite. Through the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, the government proposes a supervisory agency under the ministry.

"The agency is also proposed to be just a regulator and be responsible to the Minister of Communication and Information," he said.

Mukhlis said that Commission I had just finished discussing the 143 problem inventory lists (DIM). The list consists of 125 DIMs that have been approved and approved, 10 have been postponed, 6 have changed in substance, and 2 new proposals.

Mukhlis hopes that the inclusion of the PDP Bill in the 40 Priority 2022 National Legislation Programs (Prolegnas) can be ratified soon. "This law is very much needed for us," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo or Jokowi mentioned the protection of personal data during a speech at the 2021 World Human Rights commemoration event at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday, December 10.

Jokowi emphasized that the protection of citizens' personal data is a serious concern for the government, because it is part of the fulfillment of citizens' human rights and is related to business certainty in the digital sector.

"Protection of personal data is also a serious concern of the government and is an integral part of human rights," said President Jokowi.

The President said that he had ordered the Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate, as well as other relevant ministries/institutions to immediately finalize the Personal Data Protection Bill with the House of Representatives.

"So that the protection of people's human rights and certainty in doing business in the digital sector can be guaranteed," said the President.

In the midst of the growth of industry 4.0 and the rise of disruption due to digitalization, issues of protecting human rights also continue to surface. The President invited all stakeholders to continue to innovate to ensure the protection of human rights for every citizen, especially for marginalized groups of people.

"We must continue to follow this scientific development so that no one is harmed in today's disruptive world," he said.

The PDP Bill, whose draft was submitted by the government to the DPR in January 2020, is currently still being discussed by Kominfo and the DPR. The ratification of the PDP Bill is one of the priority programs of the Minister of Communication and Informatics at this time.

Kominfo itself targets the ratification of the PDP Bill into law this year. However, until the final month of 2021, the fate of the draft regulation is not yet clear. The last time the PDP Bill was mentioned was in the list of the 2022 Priority National Legislation Programs.

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