JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo invites all parties to create a better democracy in Indonesia in the future by respecting the freedom of opinion and expression protected by the constitution.

"In the future, let's create a better democracy, freedom of expression, freedom of criticism, freedom of opinion. That is indeed protected by the Constitution and we must protect it," said Sigit closing the 2021 National Police Chief's Cup Demonstration Oration Competition in commemoration of the momentum of Rights Day. World Human Rights (HAM), at the Proclamation Monument, Central Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 10.

Sigit assessed that the organization of the oration competition today proves that Indonesia, which adheres to a democratic system, respects the freedom of expression and expression of the wider community.

Therefore, the National Police Chief hopes that this oration competition can be reflected on all stakeholders, including the National Police, by absorbing all the aspirations of the community.

"It must be understood by the entire Indonesian nation. Of course all stakeholders, including the National Police, are always dealing with demonstrations every day," he said.

Sigit also ensured that as long as the delivery of aspirations was carried out according to the rules and regulations, the police personnel had to ensure that the demonstration activities went well.

"It is the responsibility of all members of the National Police to ensure that the implementation of public opinion delivery activities can really be carried out properly," said the National Police Chief.

According to him, the democratic climate in Indonesia is getting better day by day. Therefore, this positive trend must be maintained by providing a forum or space for expressing opinions and aspirations.

"My message here is how then in a democracy it is getting better day by day, so that freedom of expression, criticism and aspirations can really work well," said Sigit.

The National Police Chief emphasized that good expression of aspirations is detached from all forms of interests of a handful of groups who often take advantage of situations and conditions. Thus, conveying aspirations will not be disturbed by "noise" (noise) which can hinder messages from the community itself.

"That way, decision makers, policy makers, listen clearly, then immediately follow up on the message without being disturbed by the noise," he explained.

Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Ahmad Taufan Damanik appreciated the National Police Chief who had provided space or a forum for the public to express opinions by holding an oration competition.

Ahmad Taufan said that this activity is expected to make the police officers more professional in handling demonstrations carried out by students and the public.

He also invited all parties to respect the police officers who guarded the demonstration, as part of the Indonesian nation who wants to build this country.

"Of course we together promise to build our nation to become a great nation, a nation that respects the norms of human rights and human dignity and our progress together," said Ahmad Taufan.

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