PALEMBANG - The South Sumatra Regional Police (Polda Sumsel) has named a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, Sriwijaya University, with the initials R as a suspect in a case of alleged student sexual harassment.

"He has been named a suspect," said the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Hisar Siallagan in Palembang, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 10.

According to Hisar, after going through the case title process, which was to match the information from the reported party with the reporter, it was known that there were three female students, the R lecturer had fulfilled the elements to be named a suspect by investigators.

"The title of this case is to establish him as a suspect, and that's the result," he said.

However, he continued, investigators are still asking for information from the person concerned, but at this time his status is being investigated as a suspect.

"That was first, yes, more details will be conveyed in the press release," he said.

Meanwhile, suspect R has been intensively examined by investigators of the Sub-Directorate IV Renakta of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate since 09.50 WIB at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters accompanied by his legal adviser.

In this case, suspect R was reported by three female students with the initials F, C and D for allegedly sexually harassing them verbally through short messages on social media against them, on Wednesday, December 1.

As a result of the alleged sexual harassment case, the Unsri Rectorate took a stance to disable the R lecturer from his position as Head of the Management Department, Unsri Faculty of Economics, Bukit Besar campus, Palembang.

The decision to deactivate was stated in the Rector's letter number 452/UN9/SK.BUK.KP/2021 which was issued on Tuesday, December 7, including being released from his duties as a lecturer until the case was resolved.

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