MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police confiscated one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine from Batam from two men from Sumbawa.

The Director of Narcotics Investigation (Dirresnarkoba) of the NTB Police Grand Commissioner Helmi Kwarta Kusuma Putra Rauf revealed that the initials of the two men caught carrying the methamphetamine were HS (31) and AD (30).

"We managed to catch both of them from the results of the development of information from one of the methamphetamine dealers in the West Lombok area," Helmi said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 9.

From the dealer's statement, the police received information about the smuggling of methamphetamine from Batam to Lombok.

All entrances to Lombok Island were monitored, until finally the actions of the two men carrying methamphetamine were revealed on Tuesday, December 7, upon arrival at Lembar Harbor, West Lombok Regency.

"So these two perpetrators brought methamphetamine from Batam, stopped by Jakarta, and got off in Bali. From Bali he took the land route," he said.

Both of them were arrested when they were in one of the food stalls around the Lembar Harbor. The police arrested HS and AD along with a man with the initials A who was on duty to pick them up.

Then regarding the evidence, the police found it from the backpack carried by the two perpetrators. As for the results of the search of HS's bag, eight packs of methamphetamine were found with a gross weight of 532 grams. Meanwhile, from the AD backpack, there were four packs of methamphetamine with a gross weight of 500 grams.

The discovery of drug evidence was also witnessed by the port security. Cash from HS pants pocket was also secured. The amount is Rp2 million.

"So the total amount of evidence confiscated by officers is 1,032 grams or more than one kilo," he said.

From the arrest of the two perpetrators, it was revealed that their role was only as couriers. The plan is that the illicit goods will be handed over to the customer.

"They want to be couriers because they are tempted by wages. For 100 grams of crystal methamphetamine, they receive Rp10 million in wages," he said.

In fact, one of them, namely HS, was listed as a drug recidivist who had been caught for smuggling methamphetamine into West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"Twice, he has brought in. The methamphetamine he smuggled is at least one ounce," said Helmi.

To the police, the two perpetrators have revealed the role of ordering illicit goods. The destination is in East Lombok Regency and Sumbawa Island.

"For those in East Lombok, the initials are YR, he ordered goods brought by HS. If AD, he will bring them to Sumbawa to order YS," he said.

Thanks to strong coordination, the buyer of goods in Sumbawa with the initials YS Helmi said he had been arrested.

"That's why there (Sumbawa Police) was also released today, which has involvement with the case here (NTB Police)," he said.

However, it is different from YR, the order is from East Lombok Regency. The man, who was identified as having been arrested for a drug case, is known not to be at his home.

Nevertheless, Helmi ensured that his members would promote search in the field. There is no mercy for recidivists who return to their actions.

"Listen to you Yusman Rizal (YR), surrender yourself immediately. You just got out of prison, now you're playing again. I'm looking for you. If you don't surrender, we chase, we catch," he said.

From this case, the perpetrators who were arrested except A have been named as suspects. According to the results of the investigation, HS, AD, and YS have violated Article 112 Paragraph 2 and/or Article 114 Paragraph 2 of Law No. 35/2009 on Narcotics with the threat of life imprisonment.

"For another thing, initials A, not yet a suspect, is still a witness and his involvement is being investigated," said Helmi.

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