JAKARTA - The chairman of the Jakarta Transportation Workers Union (SPTJ) Jan Oratmangun admitted that the Transjakarta bus driver did work overtime.

This is what causes drivers to often feel tired, apart from driving a bus on a route with a narrow and straight lane. Thus, some accidents are often unavoidable.

"Ideally, it's 8 hours of work, but the facts on the ground are that there are also friends of our drivers who work more than 8 hours," Jan said when contacted, Thursday, December 9.

One form of overtime work that is accepted by the driver is the distribution of changing shift work schedules. Bus operators often provide driver schedules with a jumping system.

"For example, today's driver enters the afternoon, tomorrow he jumps again in the morning. That's roughly the factor that triggers driver fatigue," he said.

In addition, sometimes Transjakarta bus drivers who have finished their duties to drive buses according to schedule still cannot return home.

They, said Jan, had to stop at the gas station to do their refueling before they could park the bus at the depot, then go home. fuel too and queue for hours," said Jan.

In fact, Jan thinks that ideally refueling is done at their respective depots. So, drivers don't have to waste time queuing for refueling with other public transportation.

"It's not necessarily where they live near the depot they work for. So, I hope that in the future, Transjakarta management must also look at these factors," he said.

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