JAKARTA – The rise of criminal acts in the Banten jurisdiction has made the Banten Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Police Dr. Rudy Heriyanto, instruct his staff to dare to be firm. Because, the perpetrators of crime dare to show the weapons they carry. Not even a small number of victims who fell for this action.

"The actions of street delinquents, including street crimes, not only endanger the lives of the people, but also the souls of the personnel on duty in the field, so to stop the danger posed by the street thugs, I instruct the ranks to dare to act decisively, if necessary, shoot on the spot". Rudy said in a written statement received by VOI, Thursday, December 9.

Based on records, at the end of November 2021, street thugs carried sharp weapons and took action on the Cileles-Malingping Road section in Gunungkencana, Lebak. As a result, 3 people were injured and 1 of them even died.

Then it was also reported, even going viral on social media, that street delinquents recorded the procession of chili peppers carrying sharp weapons in Serang and endangering other people. There were no victims in this action. And there are many more brutal acts of delinquents outside the jurisdiction of the Banten Police who act arbitrarily on the streets.

"The safety of the community must be a priority for us to protect, don't hesitate to use the firearms you have to stop threats that endanger the safety of the community and personnel on duty", said Rudy.

The use of firearms by police personnel can be realized to protect the lives of others, used when defending themselves and others from the threat of death and serious injury. Also, preventing the occurrence of crimes that threaten the lives of others, stopping people from committing life-threatening acts and dealing with life-threatening situations.

"In accordance with Article 47 of the Perkap Number 8 of 2009 concerning the Implementation of Human Rights, it is stated that the use of firearms to protect the lives of others and themselves from danger or life-threatening actions is something that must be done by police personnel in the field, guiding the Perkap to protect the community", said Rudy.

This decisive action is also a preventive-strike for Banten Police personnel to prevent fatalities and injuries from residents.

"As long as we guide the Perkap, Banten Police personnel need not be afraid, apart from implementing the law, police officers are also protected by law, namely Article 50 of the Criminal Code", said Rudy.

In Article 50 of the Criminal Code it is explained that people who carry out the provisions of the law cannot be punished.

"By understanding the set of rules that are the legal basis for the use of firearms, Banten Police personnel have the confidence to be able to understand when their firearms can be used in the field, so that they are not only service accessories", concluded Rudy.

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