JAKARTA - East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Erwin Kurniawan revealed the involvement of insiders in the iron theft case of the Indonesia China Fast Train (KCIC) or Jakarta Bandung Fast Train (KCJB) project at the DK0+600 Halim project, Cipinang Melayu, Makasar, East Jakarta.

"Regarding the insider, apparently the cleaning service provided information. Information on which iron can be taken, took the route by tearing the zinc fence," said Kombes Pol Erwin to VOI, Thursday 9 December.

As is known, the iron that was stolen was iron for temporary support needs such as H-beams, scaffolding, and others on the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail project. The perpetrators carried out the action for six months with a total theft of 111,081 kilograms of iron.

"The suspect has added one more picker, it's still in process," he said.

Meanwhile, from the results of the examination, PT WIKA is the injured party or victim.

"(PT WIKA's investigation results?) As victims. Yesterday we checked and calculated the actual amount of losses," said the Police Chief.

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