JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan canceled the activities of celebrating Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17 (17) in the capital, following the extension of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) phase I transition for the fourth time.

"All social activities that cause the crowd will be postponed," said Anies in his statement in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, August 14.

Anies emphasized that the celebration of 17 August was not allowed to hold competitions that were usually held during the celebration of Indonesia's independence day.

Meanwhile, activities to decorate the village, house, or office can continue and if you want to carry out the ceremony, a limited number of them is allowed.

"Because these competitions caused the crowd to run out of control, while the ceremony was relatively controllable because the distance between the founders could be adjusted to the procedures," said Anies.

In addition, the former Minister of Education and Culture explained that the car free day (CFD) activity was also eliminated because sports activities on roads that were closed to motorized vehicles every weekend had the potential to create crowds that increased the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Previously reported, Anies Baswedan announced that the PSBB transition phase I was extended for the fourth time and will be valid for two weeks, 14-27 August 2020.

"Taking all conditions into account, after we consulted with health experts, especially epidemiologists, and coordinated with Forkopimda ranks this afternoon, we decided to extend the PSBB transition period in the first phase for the fourth time until 27 August 2020," said Anies.

Anies explained the indicators used as the basis for this policy, first, from the number of positive confirmed cases which continued to increase significantly, where on Thursday there were 621 new cases, bringing the total accumulation of positive cases in DKI Jakarta to 27,863.

Second, Anies also stated that the positivity rate in DKI Jakarta has tended to increase over the past week, namely at 8.7 percent. However, Anies said, if it was accumulated from the start, the positivity rate of DKI Jakarta was at 5.7 percent or still above the WHO standard for being declared safe and controlled, which was five percent.

"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will try to reduce the positivity rate by continuing to increase the testing capacity to break the chain of transmission, so that people who are confirmed positive, especially those without symptoms, can immediately isolate themselves and prevent further transmission," he said.

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