PALEMBANG - Cases of stunting in children in the city of Palembang have decreased significantly in recent years so that this area is able to be below the national average in 2021.

Based on data from the Directorate General of Regional Development in 2021, it is known that the stunting prevalence rate in Palembang is 3.3 percent. This figure is obtained from two indicators, namely short children (1,054 people) and very short children (264 people) from a total of 40,224 toddlers.

Palembang Mayor Harnojoyo said that although it was below the national average of 9.5 percent, the Palembang City Government still made this national program a priority.

"This means that there are still cases of failure to grow, if possible, it must be zero percent," said Harnojoyo after the annual performance meeting for the stunting integration action in Palembang, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 8.

Previously, the Palembang City Health Office (Dinkes) recorded that 4,641 toddlers aged 0-5 years were stunted in 2019 or at 7.9 percent of the total 113,718 toddlers. Stunting sufferers dominate in 10 areas in the Seberang Ulu area, Palembang, South Sumatra.

He said the city government was committed to including this stunting prevention program in the work program of all Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD).

In addition, the city government will also synergize with the Family Welfare and Empowerment Mobilization Team (PKK Mobilization Team), BKKBN, NGOs in pursuing the target of reducing the stunting prevalence rate.

Going forward, the City Government will strengthen analysis, work plans, consultation on stunting, guidance and empowerment of human development, management systems for handling, reporting, and publication of data and monitoring.

"What will happen to this nation depends on how the condition of the children we are raising at this time, so they must grow up healthy, smart, and become superior," said Harnojoyo.

Meanwhile, related to the acceleration of stunting reduction, the government has issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) number 72 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction and targets a 14 percent reduction in stunting prevalence in 2024 as well as a sustainable development target in 2030 based on achievements in 2024.

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