DENPASAR - The Bali Bangkit Forum (FBB) which consists of 34 associations of Bali tourism players will hold a demonstration if the petition to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is not responded to. These tourism actors demand an easing of the requirements for foreign tourists/foreign tourists in Bali.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Tourism Industries (GIPI) Bali, Ida Bagus Agung Partha Adnyana, said that the central government has not responded to the petition submitted on Friday, November 19.

"In about three weeks there has been no response from the central government. There have been some small coordinations, maybe the government thinks we are still fighting for the letters we send to Jakarta", said Partha at the Bali Tourism Board (BTB) office, Denpasar, Bali, Wednesday, December 8th.

Currently, his party has coordinated with other tourism industry players and the central government must answer the deadline for the petition by the end of December. If there is no response, Bali tourism entrepreneurs will hold a demonstration.

"Earlier we coordinated, we saw the effectiveness of this and we conveyed that there must also be a limit. We agreed earlier with our friends, if there really is no response, maybe in January (2022), we will have an action like a demonstration. We are still looking for a good day", he said.

Bali Bangkit Forum (FBB)/Dafi VOI

Meanwhile, the Chair of the Bali Marginal Tourism Actors Alliance (APPMB), Puspa Negara, confirmed the planned demonstration that would be carried out.

"Action will definitely take place, because we see that temporarily from the government there have been no concrete steps that can save the economic condition of the community, especially in popular destinations", he said.

According to him, the pandemic does not only affect hotel and restaurant workers. But contract workers and daily workers are affected.

"If we arrive at the end of December, we will not get foreign tourists. Because indeed our circulation is in foreign tourists, later in late December, of course, we will definitely take action. Our action will definitely take to the streets", he said.

Previously, a petition was made from the Bali Awakening Forum (FBB), which is an official from 34 associations of Bali tourism actors. This petition letter was submitted on Friday, November 19.

There are 5 petition points. First, opening the convenience of paid E-Visa applications specifically for individual tourist destinations without having to go through corporate guarantors with requirements that comply with the provisions or reopening VOA and Free Visa applications, especially for countries with low risk or low risk.

Second, suggesting that foreign tourists do not use the quarantine period or suggesting that quarantine in Bali use the regional pattern, namely Bali Island as a 'Quarantine Island' and tourists can choose to stay in all hotels that have been certified CHSE and all employees have been vaccinated. As a reference, the policies in the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) and Langkawi Island, Malaysia are exemplified.

Third, suggesting changes in flight regulations to Bali so that you don't have to only use direct flights, considering that Bali is a tourist destination for countries around the world that require flights with 'stop over' (transit) because of the aircraft's capacity and distance.

Fourth, expand countries whose citizens are allowed to enter Bali, especially for countries that are ready to come to Bali. Among these categories, one that needs to be prioritized is Australia and European countries, which are Bali's biggest foreign exchange sources.

Fifth, propose that insurance coverage can be reduced by 50,000 US dollars so that it does not make it difficult for foreign tourists to come to Bali, but can still pay for themselves if exposed to COVID-19 or can purchase insurance upon arrival in Bali.

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