PADANG - A midwife in Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) named Sri Wahyuni (31) became a victim of hot water spraying by a stall owner on Jalan Baringin, Koto Tangah District, on Tuesday, December 7 evening.

The incident occurred when the victim reprimanded the perpetrator who was singing karaoke at a loud volume, causing noise around the location. The voice of the perpetrator was also heard in the clinic where the midwife operates.

"At that time a baby was born during the day, so my wife (midwife) reminded the shop owner not to hold karaoke," said the victim's husband, David (34), in Padang as reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 8.

In fact, he said, the warning had also been conveyed to the local RT but the perpetrators ignored it and the karaoke continued at night.

Not only disturbing the comfort around the location, the loud music volume also caused the newborn baby at the victim's clinic to continue to cry and make his parents uncomfortable.

The victim finally reminded the perpetrators to turn down the volume of the music in his shop, but he still ignored it.

"My wife went back to see the shop owner to reprimand, at that time because the music was quite loud, my wife pushed the speaker a little to tilt," he explained.

The shop owner, who was known to be related to the victim, was immediately angry, he immediately poured hot water from the cup he was holding.

The hot water hit the victim's ears, hands and shoulders, causing blisters. The victim was taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

Not accepting the incident, the victim and her husband finally made a report to the Koto Tangah Sector Police Office on Wednesday, December 8.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Koto Tangag Police Sector AKP Afrino said his party had received a report from the victim and immediately followed up.

"We will immediately follow up the report from the victim by hunting down the perpetrator, we have the identity of the perpetrator in our pocket," he said.

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