MEDAN - Police arrested a motorized rickshaw driver with the initials YP (24). The perpetrator was arrested for threatening to stab his victim with a knife because he did not accept his debt of Rp. 250,000.

The Medan Area Police Chief, AKP Sawangin Manurung through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Philip Antonio Purba, said the incident occurred when the victim with the initials AM (25) came to the suspect's house, Thursday, November 18.

At that time, the victim met the suspect's parents named Nasrul. To Nasrul, the victim said that he came to collect the suspect's debt.

"The suspect's parents said that the child was bathing in the bathroom behind his house. The victim immediately knocked on the bathroom door saying where is your debt," said Iptu Philip in a written statement, Wednesday, December 8.

Hearing the victim's voice, the suspect came out of the bathroom and immediately took a kitchen knife which was located on the table.

"At that time the suspect said, there was nothing, you went and I'll cut you later, while pointing the tip of the knife at the victim. The suspect's parents who were at the scene tried to intervene by driving the suspect and after that the victim left the house," said Iptu Philip.

However, the suspect, who was already emotional, couldn't accept it and came to the victim again and threatened to kill her. The frightened victim immediately went and reported the matter to the police.

"Then the Medan Area Police officers came to the suspect's house and arrested him. Then the officers also confiscated the kitchen knife that the suspect used to threaten the victim," he said.

During interrogation, the suspect admitted the threatening act. The suspect admitted that he was emotional because the victim cursed him with inappropriate words in front of his parents.

"For his actions, the suspect is suspected of violating Article 335 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 1 year in prison," said Iptu Philip.

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