JAKARTA - A total of three microbus passengers died in an accident on the Semarang-Demak road section in the Sayung area, Demak Regency, Central Java, Wednesday, December 8. Demak Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Budi Adhy Buwono confirmed the unfortunate incident that caused the death of three of the bus passengers. "Two victims died at the scene, one other died after receiving treatment at the hospital," he said as reported by Antara. He explained that the incident began when a micro bus with police number H 7110 OE drove from Demak to Semarang.

According to him, the bus driver was allegedly unable to control the vehicle he was driving when avoiding a motorcycle in front of him. "The bus swerved to the right and rolled over in the opposite direction," he said. the world, 7 other passengers were injured. As a result of the incident, the traffic flow on the Demak Pantura Line stagnated.

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