LUMAJANG - Various methods have been used by the police to assist in handling the eruption of Mount Semeru in Lumajang Regency, East Java. One of them, the East Java Regional Police on standby for personnel and routine patrols in residential areas, to anticipate looting.

"This step is an effort to anticipate outsiders not to take advantage of the ongoing disaster. However, until now there have been no reports of missing items or anything," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Gasum Ditsamapta of the East Java Police, AKBP David, confirmed, Tuesday, December 7.

Apart from the police, continued David, this patrol was carried out together with the SAR, TNI, community leaders and village officials at the location. Local residents are invited to help identify indigenous and immigrant communities.

"Officers in the field continue to anticipate looting when there is a disaster, by conducting routine patrols in the homes of affected residents. However, until now there has been no information on looting in residents' homes," he said.

Meanwhile, for the current condition, on the third day after the disaster, most of the affected residents have evacuated their belongings and livestock. "Our first obstacle is the terrain to get to the residents' aid station, because the roads are muddy, moreover there are lots of people passing by," he said.

Meanwhile, Sayidi, one of the residents affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru said that in this event, no valuables or livestock were lost. "This is because of the routine patrols carried out by the police officers," he said.

In addition to carrying out routine patrols, residents affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru also felt helped by the police who helped evacuate residents.

"I thank you for the assistance provided by the police who have helped in evacuating the belongings of the affected residents," he said.

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