JAKARTA - Andri, the owner and management of the Wow Cafe, said that his party felt cheated regarding the LGBT party that took place at his cafe.

"I received this incident yesterday at 08.00 from one of our employees from WA. I was very surprised, yes, it was embarrassing, and it tarnished our business," Andri told reporters, Monday, December 6, evening.

Andri said his party was against such behavior being held in his cafe. He promised that the management would be stricter in screening guests who visited the Wow Cafe so that similar incidents would not be repeated.

"We are committed to improving, we are Wow cafe against LGBT, we will tighten guests who come so that yesterday's incident doesn't happen again," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a video showing the LGBT group has gone viral on Instagram social media since Monday, December 6. From the video footage, it can be seen that a group of teenage boys wearing tank tops and minisets perform graceful dances like a woman. Their action was watched by dozens of cafe visitors who crowded and cheered.

This video went viral on social media and received a lot of criticism from the public because the actions of the teenagers were considered an LGBT party.

The climax, a group of people on behalf of the residents of Kalibata, last night stumbled upon the Wow Cafe. They wanted to meet with management and clarify the video.

Muhammad Amin, one of the representatives of the residents who visited the Wow Cafe last night, said that his party had heard several reports about the existence of an LGBT party. However, at that time Amin said his party did not want to move because there was no evidence.

"Well, finally there is a video that is evidence for us, and that is a clarification so that it can be a lesson for all so that it doesn't happen again," said Amin.

After having a meeting and hearing the management's explanation, Amin said that the incident happened accidentally by the cafe manager. However, Amin said residents would monitor Wow Cafe so that similar incidents do not happen again.

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