JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir officially appointed Zulkifli Zaini as President Director of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero). Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (BPP Hipmi) Mardani H. Maming welcomed the appointment.

"We welcome his appointment," said Maming in his statement to VOI, Tuesday, December 24.

Maming said the figure of Zulkifli Zaini was not new to BUMN and PLN. Maming said the man who was born in Bukittinggi had served as Commissioner of PLN from 2013 to April 2015.

"He also previously served as a director of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk and even served as president director in 2010 to April 2013. So of course this track record is what the Minister of BUMN has seen, of course," said Maming.

However, Maming asked Zulkifli Zaini not to repeat the corporate policies of his predecessors. "Our suggestion is that the new PLN President Director does not repeat the previous policy. The previous policy is very dangerous for the company's finances in the future, "said Maming.

Maming said the previous directors were too ambitious to build a power plant independently, without involving more private parties. "As a result, PLN's debt is currently more than Rp 600 trillion," said Maming.

Maming said, there are two ways to reduce the rate of debt. First, strengthen the role of the private sector in power plants. There is competition between the private sector, and PLN which benefits.

"Second, PLN focuses on the development and maintenance of transmission. Investments will be directed there. So that the ratio and quality of electricity are well maintained," said Maming.

He added that the current PLN debt is already a yellow light. Because in terms of profits, he said, PLN's profits were still unstable and very volatile. "What must be watched out for, PLN's finances should not spread anywhere. Pak Zul who knows this. Maybe because he is a banker, Mr. Erik asked him to finish it and localize it, ”said Maming.

Maming also asked Zulkifli Zaini to involve regional entrepreneurs in the procurement of national power plants. "We ask to involve regional entrepreneurs. Don't let them become spectators in their own area. BUMN must have the courage to start pioneering this. Both in power plant procurement and as supply chain partners. What is the difficulty of involving local entrepreneurs. If there are problems, what do they face, "said Maming.

Maming said that this spirit was in line with the BUMN's function as an agent of development. Even President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has repeatedly emphasized that all infrastructure projects should not be taken by state-owned companies and their subsidiaries, even the grandchildren of state-owned companies.

"The goal is that the private sector has room to be involved and the regional economy is also stretched," said Maming.

Jokowi previously reminded SOEs to involve the private sector in infrastructure work. "I remind infrastructure projects so that they don't all be taken by BUMN. This is important, I underline. From large projects to small ones that often involve not only BUMN children but also the grandchildren of BUMN, "Jokowi emphasized in a Limited Meeting at the Presidential Office, Tuesday 10 December 2019.

As is known, previously, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir officially appointed Zulkifli Zaini as the President Director of PLN. Zulkifli was appointed as president director to replace Sofyan Basyir who was named a suspect by the KPK for the Riau I PLTU bribery case. Apart from Zulkifli, the former owner of the Inter Milan football club also appointed Amien Sunaryadi as the President Commissioner of PLN.

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