JAKARTA - Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya will hold a meeting with the President Director (Director) of PT TransJakarta. The meeting will discuss safety management.

"Improvement of safety management and HR management of Transjakarta drivers," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to VOI, Tuesday, December 7.

The plan, the meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 8th. However, it did not specify the time of the meeting.

"There will be a meeting tomorrow," said Sambodo.

The meeting between the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya and PT TransJakarta is the aftermath of a series of accidents over the last few years.

First, the Transjakarta accident that hit the Traffic Police Post (Pospolantas) at the intersection in front of the Cililitan Wholesale Center (PGC), Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.

Then, the Transjakarta bus route Puri Beta - Blok M driven by the driver with the initials J was also involved in a single accident. The bus crashed into an empty land next to the Puri Beta 2 bus stop, Larangan, Ciledug, Tangerang on Monday, December 6.

As a result of the accident, bus TJ 402 suffered damage to the windshield cracked and the front bumper was broken and crushed. Luckily there were no casualties or injuries. The bus was also in an empty condition with no passengers.

Furthermore, the Transjakarta bus accident that occurred on Jalan Taman Margasatwa Raya, Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. In this accident, a pedestrian was killed.

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