JAKARTA - Former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju was sentenced to 12 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison. Stepanus Robin Pattuju and his fellow advocate Maskur Husain were found guilty of accepting bribes worth Rp. 11.025 billion and US$36 thousand (around Rp.513 million) for a total Rp11.5 billion related to the management of five cases of alleged corruption at the Corruption Eradication Commission." Demand that the panel of judges at the corruption court (Tipikor) declare that the defendant Stepanus Robin Pattuju is proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption together. against the defendant with a prison term of 12 years plus a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary of 6 months in prison," said KPK public prosecutor Lie Putra Setiawan at the Jakarta Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor), as reported by Antara, Monday, December 6.

The claim is based on the first indictment of Article 12 letter a in conjunction with Article 18 of Law no. 31 of 1999 as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes jo Padal 55 paragraph 1 1 in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. ," added the prosecutor. If Robin does not pay the replacement money within one month after the court's decision has permanent legal force, then his property will be confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned to cover the replacement money. "The aggravating things are that the defendant's actions did not support the government's program to eradicate corruption, the defendant's actions damaged the public's image and trust in the KPK institution and Police institution, the dominant defendant does not admit his guilt, the defendant It was convoluted during the trial," said prosecutor Lie. Meanwhile, the mitigating factors were that Robin was considered polite during the trial and had never been convicted. Meanwhile, his colleague, Maskur Husain, was sentenced to 10 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison and the obligation to pay money. Rp. 8,702,500,000 and US$ 36 thousand. Stepanus Robin and Maskur Husain were assessed by the KPK prosecutors as proven to have accepted bribes related to five cases at the KPK, namely firstly accepting bribes from former Tanjungbalai Mayor M Syahrial in the amount of Rp. 1.695 billion to secure the investigation into the sale of buy a position in the Tanjungbalai City government so that it does not go up to the investigation stage. The money is given in stages in November 2020 - April 2021 by transfer to Riefka Amalia's account, Robin's sister's sister (Rp1,275 billion), transfer to Maskur's account on 22 December 2020 (Rp200 million), cash distribution of Rp10 million in March 2021 and cash distribution of IDR 210 million on December 25, 2020. The IDR 1,695 billion money was divided into two, namely IDR 490 million for Robin and IDR 1,205 billion for Maskur Husain. Rp513.29 million) or a total value of Rp3.613 billion from former Deputy Speaker of the DPR from the Golkar Party faction Azis Syamsudin and former Deputy Chairperson of the PP Youth Forces of the Golkar Party (AMPG) Aliza Gunado related to the KPK investigation in Central Lampung. Robin and Maskur Husain agreed to take care of the case involving Azis Syamsudin and Aliza Gunado as long as they were rewarded with a sum of Rp. 2 billion from each, namely Azis Syamsudin and Aliza Gunado with an advance of Rp. 300 million, Azis then agreed to the terms. Robin then received an advance of Rp. 100 million and Maskur Husain received an amount of IDR 200 million via transfer to Azis Syamsudin's account on August 3 and 5, 2020; in the amount of 100 thousand US dollars on August 5, 2020; and in August 2020 - March 2021 an amount of 171,900 Singapore dollars. The money was partially exchanged into rupiah currency so that the total money received by Robin and Markur was around Rp. 3,099,887,000 and 36 thousand US dollars. Then the money was divided up, where Robin received Rp799,887,000 while Maskur Husain received Rp2.3 billion and US$36 thousand. In the third case, Robin and Maskur received Rp507.39 million from the non-active Mayor of Cimahi Ajay Muhammad Priatna, who were not involved in the investigation of the social assistance case in Bandung district. , the city of Bandung and the city of Cimahi. Ajay then met Robin on October 14, 2020 and at that time Robin convinced Ajay that he was right from the KPK and was willing to help Ajay in exchange for Rp. 1.5 billion even though it was finally agreed on a price of Rp. 500 million. The money was handed over on October 15, 2021. by Ajay's aide named Evodie Dimas Sugandy in the amount of IDR 387.39 million. Next, Robin received another Rp. 20 million from Ajay on October 24, 2020, bringing the total to Rp. 507.39 million. The money was then divided into two, namely, Robin received Rp. 82.39 million, while Maskur Husain received Rp. 425 million. The fourth case, Robin and Maskur received Rp. 525 million. from Usman Effendi, a convict of the corruption case of land use rights in Tenjojaya who is currently serving a 3 year sentence. From 6 October 2020 - 19 April 2021, Usman Effendi transferred money to Riefka Amalia's BCA account with a total amount of IDR 525 million. The money was divided in half, with Robin getting Rp. 252.5 million, while Maskur got Rp. 272.5 million. In the fifth case, Robin and Maskur received Rp. 5,197,800,000 from the former Regent of Kutai Kartanegara Rita Widyasari. Initially, Robin and Maskur convinced Rita that they were can take care of the return of assets confiscated by the KPK related to money laundering and judicial review (PK) proposed by Rita in exchange for an amount of Rp. 10 billion. In January-April 2021 Rita transferred money to Robin through accounts in the names of Adelia Safitri and Riefka Amalia totaled Rp. 60.5 million. Robin also received money in the amount of 200 thousand Singapore dollars or Rp. 2,137,300,000 so that the total money obtained was Rp. 5,197,800,000. The money was then distributed with the details that Robin received Rp. 697.8 million and Maskur Husain received Rp. 4.5 billion. Based on this, Robin will submit a memorandum of defense (pledoi) on December 20, 2021.

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