BADUNG - Piles of garbage from the sea have again littered the beaches of Kuta, Seminyak and Legian in Badung Regency, Bali. The waste consists of logs, sticks and twigs, and plastic waste.

The Coordinator for the Detection of Marine Debris Evacuation (Desalut) of the Badung Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK), I Made Gede Dwipayana, said that the garbage had started entering the beach since Saturday, December 4.

"The condition of the beach was really bad. At first, Saturday night around 10 o'clock the water rose and there was a lot of garbage under it. Then yesterday it rained heavily until this morning it increased again," said Dwipayana, when contacted, Monday, December 6.

The garbage is scattered along Kuta, Legian and Seminyak beaches and a number of officers have started cleaning it since this morning. At around 12.00 WITA the cleaning was stopped because the sea water rose again and the weather was unfavorable due to rain.

"If we haven't collected all of the garbage, we have time to collect it. Earlier, we executed the water rising quickly. It is difficult to carry tools because the weather is not favorable," he added.


Dwipayana said that around 30 tons of waste has been collected at Kuta Beach, around 15 tons in Seminyak and 20 tons in Legian. Meanwhile, there were around 20 Rapid Response Units (URC) from the Badung DLHK, assisted by beach managers and traders to clean up the garbage.

"We planned to deploy around 400 sweepers, we spread them on Seminyak Beach, Legian, Kuta, but constrained by heavy rain and strong winds, we had to postpone and tomorrow we will send all teams," said Dwipayana.

The collected waste is collected in a temporary waste collection site before being transported to the Final Processing Site (TPA).

It is predicted that the peak of shipping waste will occur in December and January. Usually the garbage that comes is made up of large wood and plastic scattered on the beach. Then, this garbage shipment came from Java Island and also the western part of Bali, such as Jembrana and Tabanan.

“We collect it in a temporary storage place before we transport it to the TPA. For a little plastic waste, the dominant sticks and twigs of wood. There is still a lot of garbage (stretched) because the conditions are not suitable for execution," he said.

While being contacted separately, the Bendesa or the Head of the Kuta Traditional Village, Wayan Wasista, said that the garbage had arrived because it was the west wind season and although it had been cleaned for a while the garbage came back.

"Western winds are normal every year, when the west winds the garbage has started to arrive. However, from the Traditional Village, we don't stay still, we clean it up," he said.

Wasista said the cleaning was assisted by four components, namely from the Traditional Village, then from volunteers, traders and the DLHK Badung, Bali.

"Each trader before carrying out their activities is obliged to do a clean-up so that Kuta beach remains clean. For the transportation, we are assisted by DLHK as well. So 4 components are always cleaning. Even though there is a lot of garbage, we are still working," he said.

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