JAKARTA - Shopping centers in Bekasi City are prohibited from holding activities related to the celebration of Christmas and New Year 2022. This policy was issued by the Bekasi City Government, West Java, to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

Head of the Bekasi City Industry and Trade Office, Tedy Hafni in Bekasi, said the policy referred to the Bekasi Mayor's Circular regarding the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 at Christmas and New Year in the Bekasi City Area.

"We have started to disseminate information regarding this regulation to a number of shopping centers in the Bekasi area," he said, quoting Antara, Saturday, December 4.

Tedy said the socialization was carried out by conveying local government policies to shopping center management regarding the prohibition of conducting parades and processions as well as other activities that brought crowds of people.

He admitted that a number of shopping centers in his area were aware of the regulation. "They want an event to be held at the end of the year, but for the sake of public health, inevitably it has to be postponed due to the current pandemic conditions," he said.

The regional government, he said, is still continuing to disseminate information regarding the regulation, as well as coordinating with mall associations to optimize the policy in question.

Tedy hopes that the shopping center manager can understand and understand the policies of the local government and the public in general also support it by not going to shopping centers just to celebrate Christmas and the new year.

"There is already an SE (circular) for the Mayor. Anticipating the New Year and Christmas crowds is not only our duty, but also a shared responsibility, including the general public, especially shopping center visitors," he said.

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