PALEMBANG - Two female students who were victims of sexual harassment by their lecturers met the summons for the Sriwijaya University (Unsri) ethics team to clarify what had happened.

The two students came to the Unsri Faculty of Economics, Bukit Besar Campus, Palembang, Saturday, December 4, accompanied by their parents and administrators of the Unsri Student Executive Board (BEM).

Their arrival was escorted by the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of the South Sumatra Provincial Government (PPPA Sumsel).

Unsri Student President Dwiki Sandy said during the meeting the victim explained the chronology of the harassment incident they experienced from an individual lecturer with the initials R to the ethics team, which consisted of the Vice Chancellor III and all high-ranking officials of the economics faculty.

"The meeting contained a chronological explanation of what the victim experienced to the campus (ethics team). The point is that the victim has fulfilled the summons," he said, quoted by Antara.

According to him, in the meeting there were no lecturers who were suspected of being the perpetrators of harassment.

However, as a representative of the BEM who oversees the case, he believes the ethics team can resolve this case fairly. Fair means the dismissal of the person concerned as a lecturer.

"The perpetrator (the lecturer) was not presented in the meeting process, I don't know why, but we believe the campus (ethics team) can resolve this case fairly, namely being fired as a lecturer," he said.

Meanwhile, the father of the victim, initialed C, said that as a parent he hoped that the campus and the police would be firm and impartial in giving the strongest possible punishment to the alleged perpetrator.

Because he doesn't want the same thing to happen again and targets other students. In addition to experiencing sexual harassment, the victim admitted that she was also bullied.

"Strict action must be taken (the perpetrators), I believe in them (the ethics team and the police). So that our children and other colleagues don't get intimidated, like what happened yesterday (he was removed from the judiciary)," he said.

Based on information in the field, the clarification meeting process lasted approximately one hour, starting at 16.10 WIB and ending at 17.10 WIB.

The meeting at the Unsri Faculty of Economics, Bukit Besar campus, Palembang, in the management master's building, took place behind closed doors.

Meanwhile outside the building, amid the tight guard of the campus security unit, BEM activists from the Faculty of Economics held an oration asking the campus to be proactive in resolving this case.

In their speech, they said that they should strictly punish the lecturers and their colleagues who are victims can be guaranteed academic security.

The police noted that the number of victims of sexual harassment by the lecturers increased, bringing the total to four people.

A total of three students came from the Faculty of Economics (FE) with an individual lecturer with the initials R. Then one victim was recorded as a student of the Teacher Training and Science Faculty (FKIP) with an individual lecturer with the initial A.

Head of Sub-Directorate IV for Youth, Children and Women (Renakta) of the South Sumatra Police Ditreskrimum Police Commissioner Masnoni said that his party received a complaint from one victim again with the initials D who claimed to have been harassed by an unscrupulous lecturer R at FE.

D is the younger brother of two female students at FE Unsri, Indralaya campus, Ogan Ilir, who first reported being a victim of harassment under the name of the alleged perpetrator, namely lecturer R. In this report, D's capacity was a ballast witness.

"That way, there are three victims who claim to be victims of harassment from an unscrupulous lecturer with the initials R who joined the report. D is an incriminating witness, because his reporting is the same as his two seniors who first reported," he said.

He explained that victim D was sexually harassed not physically, but through messages with inappropriate words via Whatsapp.

"We are still exploring the process, yesterday for the incident at FKIP, we had processed the crime scene and scheduled the summons of the perpetrators on Monday (6/12) for questioning at the regional police headquarters," he said.

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