JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) released the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 as of today. New cases per day reached 246 people.

Meanwhile, the number of recovered cases today increased by 314 people, bringing the total to 4,105,994 recovered. Meanwhile, the positive confirmed cases who died increased by 5 people and a total of 143,863 people.

There is also the province with the newest cases in West Java with 59 new cases and a total of 708,016. Followed by DKI Jakarta with 58 new cases and a total of 864,135 cases. Then, Central Java with 36 cases and a total of 486,494 cases.

Then, East Java with 27 cases, and the total cases reached 399,526. Then, DI Yogyakarta with 14 new cases and 156,808 cumulative cases. Furthermore, West Papua with 13 new cases, and the total reached 23,395. Then, Bali with 10 new cases and total cases reached 114,255.

It was also reported that there were 10 provinces that reported no additional new cases, namely Bengkulu, Riau Islands, NTB, North Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo, West Sulawesi and North Maluku.

The province with the most recovered cases today belongs to West Java with an increase of 67 cases. Then, followed by DKI Jakarta with 61 recovered cases, East Java with 32 cases, DI Yogyakarta with 28 cases, Riau with 27 recovered cases, Central Java with 21 cases.

"The highest death cases were in DI Yogyakarta with 2 people. Followed by DKI Jakarta, Bali and South Sulawesi, each with 1 person," as quoted from Ministry of Health data, Saturday, December 4.

In addition, the number of specimens that have been examined per day is 292,682. While cumulatively reaching

55,613,822. The details were 30,076,169 examined by RT-PCR, 251,112 by TMC method and 25,286,541 people with antigen.

"The number of people suspected of being infected with COVID-19 or who are currently categorized as suspected cases, was recorded at 5,268 people," he said.

Then, the weekly positivity rate for people from November 28 to December 4, 2021, is 0.14 percent. Meanwhile, the daily positivity rate for people is 0.13 percent.

Currently, 527,878 people have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination and the total has reached 142,030,970 people.

While the second dose vaccinated 576,784 people, the cumulative total reached 98,632,618 people. Meanwhile, the third dose of vaccination was increased by 2,889, and the total was 1,245,131. Meanwhile, the target for vaccination was 208,265,720 people.

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