JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, asked the government to clarify the news that the Chinese government had lodged a protest with Indonesia regarding oil and natural gas drilling in the Natuna Islands.

"We hope that the government can provide a comprehensive explanation regarding the information circulating about protests from China against drilling activities on offshore rigs in Natuna," said Puan in a statement, Friday, December 3.

Referring to reports from a number of foreign media, the Chinese diplomat sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asking Indonesia to stop drilling in the Natuna Waters. China, he said, has again claimed that the waters around the Natuna Islands are included in their traditional fishing area.

And for Puan, the community needs an official explanation from the government regarding this matter.

“The government must pay attention to public concerns. If there is no official letter from China, then explain to the public. However, if it turns out that there are protests from China, the government must also act because this concerns the country's sovereign rights," he said.

"There is no reason for the Chinese government to file a protest regarding the exploitation of oil and gas in Natuna, which is still part of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Indonesia," said Puan.

"As a fellow state party to UNCLOS, China must respect Indonesia's sovereign rights, by not claiming maritime zones without any legal rights under the applicable law of the sea," he said.

China claims the Natuna waters are within its vast traditional fishing area in the South China Sea marked by nine dashed lines in the shape of a U (nine dash line). However, the claim has no legal basis based on the 2016 decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Netherlands.

"Indonesia will continue to carry out its activities in the Natuna Islands in order to exercise its sovereign rights and natural resource management as mandated by the constitution," said Puan.

"And keep in mind, based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea or UNCLOS, Indonesia has sovereign rights to explore and exploit natural resources in the EEZ and its continental shelf," added the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan also reminded the government to seriously address the issue of China's claims to the Natuna Waters, which never ends. Moreover, China has often entered the territorial waters of Indonesia so that it makes fishermen afraid when going to sea.

"The DPR RI understands that good diplomatic relations between Indonesia and China must be maintained. However, if it is related to the sovereignty and sovereign rights of the state, we cannot remain silent and must be firm," said Puan.

The grandson of the proclaimer of Indonesia, Bung Karno, asked the government to immediately state its attitude to China not to interfere with Indonesia's sovereign rights. Puan also hopes that there will be an increase in state defense in the Natuna Waters, which continues to be problematic due to tensions in the South China Sea.

"We can't play around with the issue of sovereignty and sovereign rights of the state because it concerns the nation's pride. The government must also protect Indonesia's territorial and EEZ which contain natural resources for the welfare of the people," he concluded.

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