JAKARTA - Chairperson of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP Megawati Soekarnoputri wished a happy 17th birthday to one of the party's wing organizations, Volunteers for the Struggle for Democracy (Repdem).

The congratulation was conveyed by the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto who was present at the celebration of the Repdem Anniversary at the Party School building in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta.

In his statement, he asked the party wing organization to fight for the people but still have to respect the applicable laws according to the teachings of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno or Bung Karno.

"On this anniversary, Mrs. Megawati congratulates the Repdem ranks, who have shown their character as the bulls of the struggle to defend the people who are victims of arbitrariness, victims of injustice and abuse of power," said Hasto as quoted from his written statement. , Friday, December 3rd.

Although this spirit of helping must be continued, the Repdem struggle must be in accordance with Bung Karno's teachings. Including, continued Hasto, about discipline and ideological belief.

"So we all have to make sure that we are a disciplined party. We must not defend the people, but by violating the law. All taking action to defend the people, must be disciplined and obey the rules," he stressed.

In addition, Repdem must also not distinguish between people from ethnicity and religion when defending the community. "Because the divinity as conveyed by Soekarno is a God of noble character, a God who does not have religious egoism, a divinity that respects respect, which should spread goodness, a divinity that is cultured," said Hasto.

Finally, Hasto also reminded that social justice must be upheld. Thus, the current poverty can be challenged.

"This must be vibrant. One step against poverty," said Hasto.

"So at this Party School, precisely in commemoration of the 17th anniversary of the Repdem, we also make an effort to criticize and self-critical, so that we stay on track of our struggle, so that as party wings we can truly use the flap of our wings to carry out what is the ideological line of the PDI-P, the ideological line that should be united with the power of the people," he concluded.

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