JAKARTA - KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah resigned himself to being replaced by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri. The plan is for the KPK to look for the name of a new spokesperson because Febri is currently also the Head of the KPK's Public Relations Bureau. Even though he will be replaced, Febri said he actually heard the information from the media.

"I actually just heard this information from the media. Since last Wednesday the doctor had been told to rest at home," Febri told reporters in a written statement, Monday night, December 23.

This former anti-corruption activist admitted that he was resigned if Firli Bahuri and his friends wanted to recruit a new spokesperson. He believed that there was no personal consideration among the KPK leadership regarding the decision to replace him. "There may be considerations of organizational needs," he stressed.

As KPK spokesperson who has served for nearly four years, Febri reminded that whoever will be appointed spokesperson must be the mouthpiece for the anti-corruption agency. Because, in addition to being a bridge of information, it is through a spokesperson that the KPK conveyed their accountability to the public through the media.

He also asked the KPK to maintain information disclosure to the public as a way for this institution to be monitored, guarded, and loved by the public for its accountability.

"So we just pray that the KPK can get the best son or daughter to fill the position and also a number of positions that are currently vacant," said Febri.

In fact, in addition to the spokesperson, the KPK is also looking for names to fill positions that are currently vacant or held by the executor (Plt). These positions consist of Head of Legal Bureau, Director of Investigation, Deputy of Enforcement, Director of Public Complaints, Director of Information and Data Processing (PINDA), Deputy of INDA.

VOI Podcast with Febri Diansyah (Mahesa ARK / VOI)

Describe the spokesperson originally attached to the work of the public relations bureau

In his statement, Febri said that the positions as spokesperson and head of the KPK's Public Relations Bureau are actually two positions that stick together. However, when there was a change in Internal regulations around 2018, he suggested that the Spokesperson's position be held by a different person from the Head of the Public Relations Bureau.

It's just that, according to Febri, the head of the KPK volume IV, namely Agus Rahardjo et al. Asked him to continue to carry out these two functions even though he often gave suggestions that the spokesperson should immediately be separated from the position of the KPK Public Relations Head.

"So I have carried out this task as well as I can for more than 3 years," he said, adding that he also often reminded KPK leaders to immediately regenerate the position of KPK spokesman. The goal is that the position does not depend on just one figure.

Febri also said that if the KPK leadership really wanted to find a replacement for him, Firli Bahuri et al. Had to find a better spokesman than him or Johan Budi SP, who is now a member of Commission I DPR RI from the PDI-P faction. "Hopefully the KPK will get far better than the Spokesperson who was at the KPK," he said.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is rumored to be looking for a number of new retainer to fill the six positions that are still vacant in the body, including the position of KPK spokesman, which is now occupied by Febri Diansyah.

"Up to now, there are six KPK structures that have no definitive official, including the spokesperson for the time being. In fact, there is no specific spokesman yet," Ghufron said when contacted by journalists, Monday, December 23.

So far, the public is aware that Febri is the spokesman for the anti-graft agency. However, Ghufron actually said that Febri was the Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who also held concurrent positions due to the absence of a spokesman.

"So far, because there is no public relations bureau which is also a spokesman, in the future we will complete all structures," he said, adding that completing this organizational structure is considered to increase the pace of KPK work.

It is known, based on the Republic of Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission Regulation Number 3 of 2018 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the KPK, referred to in article 1 Paragraph 7, the Head of the Bureau is an Echelon II level official who is appointed and dismissed by the leadership, in charge of Echelon III officials and employees in the bureau scope.

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