MATARAM - The MN Police Chief Brigadier, who shot his colleague to death in East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, is still receiving his basic salary as a police officer.

"The salary he now receives is only 75 percent of the principal," said the Head of Legal Affairs for the NTB Police, Kombes Abdul Azas Siagian, in Mataram, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 3.

The MN salary cut, he said, was in accordance with Government Regulation No. 17/2019 concerning the twelfth amendment to Government Regulation No. 29/2001 concerning the Regulation of the Salaries of Police Members.

In the regulation, it is stated in one of the points regarding the termination of the income of Indonesian Police personnel.

For MN, which is now on a case and has undergone a Police Code of Ethics Committee (KKEP) session with a recommendation for dishonorable dismissal, he said, it is in the status of being temporarily dismissed.

"Later on, if the PTDH recommendation has been signed by a superior who has the right to punish (the head of the NTB Police), the salary will automatically be stopped," he said.

For now, it is said that the decision of the MN NTB Police KKE appeal hearing which rejected the material of his appeal and upheld the East Lombok Police KKE decision is still in the hands of the NTB Police Propam Division.

The process is now awaiting delegation to the NTB Police HR Bureau for the termination of his service as a police officer.

"So if the official termination file has been completed in the HR Bureau, then it is submitted to the superior who has the right to punish. If it has been signed by the superior who has the right to punish, it means the official termination of his service. No longer receiving a salary," he said.

The shooting incident by MN against the victim with the initials Police Brigadier One HT occurred Monday, October 25, at a house with the address at BTN Griya Pesona Madani, East Lombok Regency.

Based on the results of the crime scene, HT is presumed dead at 11.20 WITA, about four hours after one of the witnesses found his body lying covered in blood.

The shooting of the East Lombok Police Public Relations member was also revealed from the perpetrator's confession. Regarding the motive for the murder case, it is suspected that it was a love affair. MN is jealous of HT who is suspected of having an illicit relationship with his wife.

From this case, the police named MN as a suspect and has been detained at the NTB Police Detention Center. As a suspect, MN is suspected of Article 340 of the Criminal Code regarding Premeditated Murder Juncto Article 338 concerning Murder.

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