MEDAN - Video of a man with the initials RS (28) who was shirtless in his room while holding the Koran was widely circulated. In the video RS also appears to open his pants and remove his genitals.

He then put his genitals on the holy book. RS issued the words indicated to the woman he liked.

"O Allah, I swear on this Al-Quran. My genitals are rotten, if I marry someone else. Except for Erma Suriani, I will promise to marry Erma Suriani for life and death. Until death do us part," said RS in the circulating video.

This man also made one other video. This time he stepped on the Koran wearing only his underwear. He uttered harsh words.

"My legs are paralyzed, I know because a bitch said yes. He said yes, I don't work at Carrefour anymore, he said. I work in Johor, yes, at Spa. There are a lot of truck drivers, that's what Lonxx said. me if I make up stories," said RS.

The blasphemy case was immediately followed up by the police. The perpetrator was arrested.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Medan Polrestabes Kompol M Firdaus said that RS' motive for doing this was based on love for his girlfriend.

"(The motive) is to convince his girlfriend that the perpetrator really loves him," said Kompol Firdaus, Thursday, December 2.

For his actions, the hospital is now also detained and named a suspect.

"The perpetrator has been named a suspect," he said.

According to Kompol Firdaus, RS was detained and faces up to 6 years in prison. "Article 28 of the ITE Law and Article 156 of the Criminal Code are punishable by 6 years in prison," he said.

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