JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Center for Information and Communication, KH Masduki Baidlowi, invites scholars and missionaries to preach using multi-platform media. Content that is widely circulated on social media and is misunderstood, must be countered with good content.

"Preaching is obligatory. And mastering the latest da'wah tools is very important," said Masduki Baidlow when giving a virtual speech at the Opening of the Wasathiyah Islamic Multiplatform Media Literacy Workshop at the Aryaduta Hotel Makassar, Wednesday 1 December yesterday as reported by the MUI official website.

KH Masduki stated two reasons why it is important to master digital media. First, the character of social media has a very dangerous weak point. There is a tendency for social media platforms to increase information bias. Second, in the context of social media, the small can suddenly become the majority, on the contrary the big ones can become the minority

“With the social media algorithm engine, it will only display trends. This is known as an eco chamber, namely the social media algorithm only displays information according to our interests. That's why it must be fought with good content," he said

Ulama are the inheritors of the prophetic mission, namely da'wah. Therefore, it is important that we create good content as a multi-platform da'wah. “The content must be well-made. If not, it will be filled with content that is not wasathiyah," said Masduki.

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) also needs to carry out digital jihad on social media, namely bringing up Islam in social media according to reality, said the expert staff of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Prof. Dr. Henry Subiakto.

According to Henry, the existence of social media is important because in today's era, we cannot be separated from the world of social media. The public consumes more social media than mainstream media.

Social media offers a speed with which the public feels very close. The problem is, when the public is very close to social media, that's where problems can arise.

"The MUI challenge is how Islam that appears on social media is Islam wasthiyah, namely moderate Islam that conveys information according to reality," he said.

MUI must play an important role in the circulation of information on social media. Content must be filled out properly and correctly. Otherwise, it will be dominated by wrong information.

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