Unilever Boss: COVID-19 Makes People Rarely Buy Ice Cream
Ilustrasi. (Foto: Unsplash)

JAKARTA - President Director of Unilever Indonesia, Hemant Bakshi, admitted that there were several categories of the company's sales products that were quite affected by the weakening of people's purchasing power during the COVID-19 pandemic period.

"One of the affected categories is ice cream. Many people don't leave their house and possibly have limited money," he said during the "Gotong Royong #JagaUMKMIndonesia: Government Stimulus to Strengthen MSMEs", Tuesday, August 11.

Unilever is the owner of the famous ice cream brand, Walls. Some of the most familiar ice cream names are Paddle Pop, Feast, Populaire, Dung-Dung, Ice Cream Sandwich, Magnum, Cornetto, and Solero.

However, the company is fortunate enough to operate in the consumer sector. It also serves the basic needs of the community with relatively good demand.

In fact, there was a significant change during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hand hygiene products, home hygiene products to food preparation products sales are increased. 

Hemant said that the initial period of the pandemic is an important time for the company to make efficiency in terms of product innovation.  It can be seen from the product development. The product development originally needs about nine months before being launched to the market. But now, it can be accelerated due to employee productivity during the working period from home.

"We found new ways of working in our business. During a pandemic. We need health products that can stop the spread of the virus. In less than 8 months, we can deliver these products to the market," he explained.

During 2020, Unilever has also launched several highly relevant innovations to answer consumer needs amid the pandemic.  Among them are Lifebuoy Hand Sanitizer, Sahaja Hygienic Spray, and Wipol Disinfectant Spray.

Not only that, but Unilever also issued Wipol Surface Disinfecting Wipes. Furthermore, in the Personal Care category, Unilever launched the Vaseline Anti-Bacterial Hand Cream.

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