JAKARTA - The Chief of Army Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman directly monitors the activities of the Reunion 212 action which began to be attended by the participants of the action. Dudung was accompanied by Pangdam Jaya Major General Mulyo Aji and Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Fadil Imran.

In a white tent near the National Monument (Monas) cross-view park, Dudung asked the action participants to stop their intention because the activity did not have a crowd permit.

"Hopefully, we hope that our brothers and sisters also don't take action because there is no permit. Let us build this nation as well as possible and let us maintain unity and integrity," said Dudung at the location, Thursday, November 2.

Dudung said he was only monitoring the immediate situation of Reunion 212 as a guide. Bearing in mind that security operations are carried out by the TNI Headquarters.

Participants of the 212 Reunion action began to arrive in the Monas/VOI area

So far, he said, the officers who oversee the activities of the 212 Reunion in the field have been on standby.

"We only see the condition of the soldiers in the field, how they are ready and so on to support the operational tasks of the TNI headquarters. The average soldier and the police are ready to anticipate that," said Dudung. and the Horse Statue of Arjuna Wiwaha, Central Jakarta this morning. However, they could not enter the Horse Statue which was a gathering place.

VOI monitoring, access to the Horse Statue is blocked. The officers installed barricades in the form of barbed wire before entering Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara and Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan.

Because they could not enter the Horse Statue, the mass of Reunion 212 gathered to form small groups which spread out on Jalan Kebon Sirih, Jalan MH Thamrin, Jalan Menteng Raya, Jalan Arief Rachmat Hakim, Jalan Kramat Kwitang, and Jalan H. Agus Salim, and other

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