JAKARTA - The Polda Metro Jaya officers disperse dozens of masses of the Reunion 212 action that gathered on Jalan H Agus Salim and Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta. Director of Binmas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol. Badya Wijaya, accompanied by the Head of Operations at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police, Guntur Muhammad Tariq, dispersed the crowd because it was deemed to have sparked a crowd. "Dear ladies and gentlemen, we beg you all, please don't gather here. Go back to your homes, please. "Once again, ladies and gentlemen, don't gather together. Okay, let's take pictures first," said Kombes Pol. Badya on Jalan Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, December 2. The crowd chose to gather in the barricade area because joint officers closed and sterilized vehicles, as well as the crowd at the Horse Statue Roundabout and Monas.

The masses also had time to argue with members of the police who helped break up the crowd. "Yesterday's labor demonstration is okay, sir. It's also a crowd. We're just reuniting, gathering," said Halimah, one of the 212 Reunion masses. Reunion 212 masses still disbanded and took a long march towards Tugu Tani. During the "long march", the masses also invited residents to join in and enliven the 212 Reunion action. Based on observations, traffic flow on Jalan Kebon Sirih stalled because the masses walk on the shoulder of the road. Many motorbikes also stopped to watch the 212 Reunion in action.

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